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The economy is rough right now. If you're like nearly 10% of Americans in the United States who are currently unemployed, you may be struggling to find a job. One of the biggest reasons many applicants get turned down for jobs is because they lack experience, so why not add valuable experience to your resume while exploring the world and experiencing opportunities of a lifetime? Teach English abroad!
Teaching English abroad is an incredibly rewarding opportunity that allows people of all ages and backgrounds to live in another culture, travel, and gain professional paid work experience. If you can't find a job in the U.S., there are many options to teach English abroad, so what's stopping you from getting paid to create your own unique, international adventure?
I Don't Know Chinese/Spanish/Italian, Etc.
You don't need to know another language. Most jobs teaching English abroad are for all-immersive programs, meaning the students only speak English and do not speak their native language in the classroom. In addition, most programs will require that you are TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Certified, so you will learn the most effective English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching principles and techniques, and will rarely need to speak the local language unless you are out exploring your surroundings. Lastly, some programs will provide you with basic local language courses to help you acclimate to your environment, and most teachers find they pick up the language quite rapidly.
I Don't Want To Be Away From Home For A Year
While many programs will require a commitment of one year, there are also plenty of volunteer programs and opportunities that allow you to teach English overseas for just two or three months. These programs won't offer full immersion into the culture of your host country, but they still offer a wonderful opportunity to work in a beautiful country such as Cambodia, Thailand or Vietnam (just to name a few).
If you do opt for a whole year's commitment, it's easy to keep in touch with your friends and family. E-mail access is available through most Training Centers and usually at schools, and there are many inexpensive internet cafes throughout all countries. Calling cards are also a great way to keep in touch via phone.
I Don't Want To Go To China/Spain/Italy, Etc.
When you teach English abroad, you're not required to go anywhere you don't want to. You select your host country, and there are many, many countries to choose from. Some of the top countries currently in need of English teachers include: Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ecuador, Mexico, China, Prague, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Peru.
I Don't Have Any Money
While TESOL certification programs and teaching English abroad are not free, they are surprisingly affordable. And once you complete the program, you can generally earn enough money teaching English overseas to cover your preliminary costs, and then some (depending on which country you are teaching English in).
Don't let your lack of employment discourage you from pursuing your dreams of teaching English abroad. There couldn't be a better time to go! What other point in your life would you have the time to take a year off and live in a fun, exotic international location? You will gain valuable experience for your resume, create great memories that will last a lifetime, and have tons of fun when you teach English abroad.
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