By Chris Sarvaiya
If you are planning a visit the most sacred places of the world, then you are advised to have some prior knowledge of these places. Here is a small insight into the three famous holy sites that can give you a brief idea about them and help you plan the visit accordingly.
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.
It is the seat of Archbishop of Paris. The term "Notre Dame" stands for "Our Lady", so this cathedral is also known by the name "Our Lady of Paris". It is the most magnificent building of France. It has remained a sacred place from centuries and a place of pilgrimages. The initial church was built by Childebert but was demolished later on. The present structure was built in 12th century. The Church has twin towers that have a height of 228 feet. Five bells are present in Notre Dame Cathedral one of which is present in South Tower, the remaining four in the North Tower. These bells serve to mark various festivals and occasions. A legendary Grand Gallery connects the two towers. There are a number of statues that adorn the Cathedral. These belong to the kings of Judah and Israel. The portals depict the scenes from the Last Judgment and life of Virgin Mary.
Temple of Artemis is dedicated to the Ephesus Goddess Artemis and is among the seven wonders of the ancient world. Artemis was considered a goddess of fertility. So Artemis or Diana was generally depicted with eggs and breasts that covered her waist and shoulders. A shrine dedicated to her was built in 800 BC but was destroyed and built many number of times. The present temple, which is almost in ruins, was built by the famous sculpture Scopas of Paros. It was built in marble had 36 columns and housed several bronze statues. The temple, as described by Pliny had 127 columns that had carved work on them. A number of sculptures by Greek artists Pheidais and Polyclitus were present in the Temple of Artemis. There were a number of priests, dancers and musicians that offered their services to the Temple.
Parthenon is a temple in Greece that is dedicated to goddess Athena. It is the finest example of magnificent Doric art. Built in 5th century BC, this temple is regarded as the most important structures that managed to survive till today. The art and architecture used in building this great monument is of a very high degree. It was built under the guidance of one of the greatest sculptors namely Phidias who was also responsible for erecting a statue of Athena in chryselephantine shape. The columns rested on a platform called styolbate. The dimensions of the temple are 30 meters by 69 meters. The Parthenon had marble sculptures that were adorned extensively. The western pediment depicts the battle between Athena and Poseidon. The horizontal bands or friezes were built all around the temple that had carved pictures of various battles. Panathenaia was a festival that was celebrated to honor the goddess. Today many sculptures of this monument are placed in British museums and Louver in Paris.
For more information on sacred places, one can log-in to sacredtravelguide.com which has lists of the most sacred places round the world. Be it a Temple of Artemis, Notre Dame Cathedral or, Aachen cathedral there is enough information available for the tourists.